Who am I?
I’m Ben, a blogger, food-loving recipe developer and ethical vegan. With my degree in biochemistry and a lifelong passion for cooking, I bring both technical and intuitive skills to recipe creation.
I create clearly robust, clearly written recipes that make great food accessible. If something can be done with fewer steps or ingredients, then it should be!
My recipes have been published in print and online. Some examples are Christmas recipes for Winchester Today, and guest blogging for onegreenplanet.org and egg-truth.com. And of course all the recipes on this website!
If you need custom vegan recipes, I can help
My ultimate goal as a recipe developer is to create recipes that have a lasting impact. Not one-time experiments that readers forget, but recipes that people will keep, share and enjoy for years to come. These recipes bring true value and will continue reminding them of your message.
A great custom recipe picks out what’s special about you to showcase your product or brand. Ideally by using it in a novel way.
From classic, homely baking recipes to on-trend health foods, the important thing is to make it delicious and your message memorable.
Photography too!
Great writing is crucial, but it’s delicious photos that first catch a reader’s eyes.
Like my recipe writing, I prefer accessible food styling and photos that focus directly on the food. Examples of my work can be seen throughout this site.
How I work
I have a clear structure to my work. Initially, I take projects forward by asking key questions and creating a design brief. Once all parties are happy with the plan I’ll get started in the kitchen. I don’t rush anything. A clear design brief is vital, and a finished recipe that your audience will love is essential.
Email me to discuss your idea!